Gilbert (Gib) Hedstrom has an unmatched 30+ years of experience working on ESG challenges at the highest levels of corporate America. As a Senior Advisor at BWD, Gib offers his expertise to clients seeking to take the next steps to integrate sustainability throughout corporate governance – including board capabilities and responsibilities.
He has reported directly to boards of directors of Fortune 500 companies on over 60 occasions. After 20 years at Arthur D. Little, Gib began working exclusively on advising boards and C-Suite executives on ESG. His clients have included Alcoa, Ashland, Autodesk, Baxter, Boeing, BP, Coca-Cola, Conoco, Cytec, Dell, Ford, GE, HP, Ingersoll Rand, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Pemex, Shell, Trane Technologies, UTC, USG, and U.S. Steel, among many others.
Gib is also the founder and owner of ESG Navigator a global ESG benchmarking and strategic planning platform. Over 175 major global companies use ESG Navigator, with many sharing the powerful analytics with their C-suite and board. The Conference Board endorsed ESG Navigator in 2020; their 1,000+ corporate members benefit from the elegant simplicity of the platform.