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Taking a Fortune 500 to best-in-class status

After working with BWD to complete a double materiality assessment, the organization engaged us on a three-year contract to transform its disclosure. In collaboration with their sustainability and corporate communications teams, we applied established reporting principles to reorganize report content so it aligned with stakeholder expectations and reduced the internal… Read More

Helping Australia tackle bribery and corruption

Working with a committee of BPN representatives, BWD hosted a workshop to define the network’s purpose, vision, and positioning. These insights then provided the basis for the development of the brand, logos, iconography, and illustrations, which sought to balance accessibility with the gravity of the subject matter. The website offers… Read More

Bringing a decarbonization roadmap to life through data visualization

Our services encompass TCFD strategy and reporting, scenario analysis and data visualization, which have helped Vector transform the complexities of decarbonization into clear and engaging content accessible to all stakeholders. Communicating climate change is hard. Many efforts fail because they’re boring and jargon-heavy. By contrast, the infographics outlining Vector’s scenario… Read More

Rebranding Australia’s first ethical fund manager

The challenge involved developing a modern identity while maintaining the fund manager’s core values and heritage. After a thorough stakeholder engagement process, BWD devised a brand strategy that positioned UCA as an ambassador for good in the corporate world. The rebrand introduced a new name, ‘U Ethical’, and a visual… Read More

Supporting a global sustainability leader

BWD was honoured to partner with Dexus to build on this outstanding record, which is underpinned by its best-practice approach to sustainability and integrated reporting. BWD supported Dexus in its ESG strategy, TCFD disclosure, climate scenario analysis, materiality and integrated reporting suite over multiple reporting cycles. Dexus’s reports have been… Read More

Embedding sustainability into social housing strategy

Our response began with a review of the provider’s current reporting, an extensive stakeholder engagement exercise, and an executive workshop to map key ESG issues to strategic pillars. We then devised objectives, metrics, and recommendations organized by stakeholder segment. Ultimately, the framework embedded ESG into the provider’s risk management, strategy,… Read More

Supporting the creation of a new ESG & Sustainability function

We developed strategic workplans with measurable milestones about where the new team needed to actively drive the agenda (such as setting emissions reduction targets), where its input could support an existing agenda (such as formalizing community contribution protocols), and where its support was needed ad hoc (such as public policy… Read More

Creating an inaugural nature strategy

Creating the strategy drew on our full array of in-house technical and strategic sustainability skills, including data collection and analysis, value chain mapping, an understanding of nature-related dependencies and impacts, sustainability risk management, a deep knowledge of nature-related standards and frameworks, and report writing. Our client is proud to be… Read More

Delivering a comprehensive sustainability strategy and plan

The strategy outlines how the business can use sustainability to enhance organizational resilience and long-term value creation. Key themes include circular economy, innovation, emissions reduction, diversity and inclusion, data privacy, and resilient supply chains. The implementation plan is a practical guide for implementing the strategy. It includes sustainability objectives, advice… Read More

Building the business case for conserving marine ecosystems

The white paper provided practical recommendations on how the institute could play a leading role in the broader transition to a nature-positive approach to business, with a focus on the opportunities inherent in natural capital accounting to help value, preserve and restore coastal ecosystems and marine parks. These detailed insights… Read More