Amanda’s love of the English language developed from the age of eight, when she would compose fictional magazines on her mum’s old typewriter (ensuring a double-space after each full stop). Going to university and becoming a journalist was the obvious career choice.

After a decade in Australian and UK media, Amanda jumped the fence into government communications, working for the Australian and NSW governments. It was here that she found out about annual reporting and became an adjudicator for the Australasian Reporting Awards, a voluntary post she’s held for a decade. She is a self-confessed corporate reporting nerd (and Lean 6 Sigma Green Belt project manager).

In a previous life, Amanda worked as a radio presenter on regional breakfast radio, and now enjoys an idyllic lifestyle as a Queenslander after making the move from Sydney to southeast Queensland.

Amanda was an ‘extra’ in the first Matrix film with her twin sister. She was lucky enough to literally bump shoulders with Keanu Reeves during the ‘woman in the red dress’ scene shot in Sydney’s Martin Place.